Sunday, February 28, 2010
Happy Birthday Natalie Neo (:
Good luck for tests, etc.
Go 1/7 ~ ~ ! :D
9:44 AM
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
HEYY ONE SEVENNN! :DI'm kinda preventing this blog from dying, and preventing myself from dying of boredom. HEHE. Today no homework(: Yeah. Okay, can you people like, tag my blog? Its like dead. So, yeah. Hehe. My link is there. Below. THANKS! ILOVEYOUGUYSTTM! And please add me on msn : So we can chat alotalot! Haha. Okay! Byebye!Xoxo, DREWDREWDREW :DPS. I'm a HUGE fan of rainbows if you can't see that. HAHA.
8:17 PM
Please send your contact number and your name to 93852652 ,
by Saturday , 27 February 2010 .
And fr ex-6rose or ex-6tulip girls ,
please sent your contact number to me also .
please add me on msn ,
by 27th too .
- Linnitt Leesa .
7:09 PM
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Hello 1/7! :)
Remember to study for history test tomorrow!
Or Thursday :o
Good luck :)
ps; ask me if you want to know the class email&pw if you want to edit anything. :)
6:51 PM
Friday, February 19, 2010
Hey 1/7 !Please post on this blog. Or this blog will die very fast.And we wouldnt want that to happen right ? I think not.Anyway..Dont forget we have a PSL session next week friday. From 2 - 5pm.So please try to make it .Do your hw and study for the CAs.Good luck !See ya !BYE !Emmersen (:
10:12 PM
Hello one seven. :)
If you have a blog, please post it on the tagboard.
tell me your birthday also.
So that i can edit it :)
Oh. And please leave your email too. So that i can invite you. :)
ps; i dont have the name list. but i'll edit it asap. :D
9:16 PM